The Chrysalis
The Imaginal Life
How to Let Go of Resentments (Part 1)

How to Let Go of Resentments (Part 1)

In this episode, we talked about resentments - its meaning and the importance of releasing oneself from them.

Are you struggling with feelings of bitterness and anger towards someone, making it difficult for you to let go of those resentments?

In this episode, we talked about resentments - its meaning and the importance of releasing oneself from them.

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The Chrysalis
The Imaginal Life
Welcome to The Imaginal Life podcast, a space for women over thirty-five who are navigating the ups and downs of these challenging times. Inspired by the transformative imaginal cells in caterpillars, we explore the power within every woman to envision her metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.
Join us for inspiration, empowering reminders, and practical tools from contemplative science, positive psychology, and metaphysics to help you thrive, live with intention, and create remarkable things. Connect with like-minded individuals on Substack, and let's embrace the beauty of our imagined lives together.